Is a cold and crazy world

Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011 0 komentar
I have been missing for about a week but this is because i was on a vacation. Took a plane and flew off to Macau and Hong Kong with the families :). I had tonnes of fun :)5.2.2011So we took the evening flight to Macau and we reached our destination around 9 pm .Mummy :)i camwhored with her hahah :)Here we are at Macau Airport :) Another photo snapping session. i found out one thing, my dad loves...

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Boy like you makes me smile all the time

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 04 Februari 2011 0 komentar
Gahh such pretty boys with such good fashion sense :)I like !Adam GallagherBlack JacobsonMc' Kenneth Li...

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