Circle Checkers

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 28 Juni 2012 0 komentar
photograph by Ryan LiuTop : Eye CandieBottom: Mum's SkirtBag : Mum'sScandals Heel : ZARANecklace : GlamTagsI've always adore my mum's circle checker skirt and the only reason it's so lovable it's because is high-waisted (cover all my tummy fats) and the way the gathers of the skirt just falls perfectly in position. As for the collar tip top, I have to say it was such a good grab for me, actually planning...

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Mix and Match

Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 27 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Cheryl Black Leather Jacket , Jaeger Collarless Linen Shirt , 3.1 Phillip Lim Leather Boxing Shorts, Alexander Mcqueen Black Shoe, Pilgram Silver and Black Rubber Watch, Paul & Joe Be Happy bag, Rayban aviator , Vita Fede Veronice bracelet, Ashiana friendship Bracelet , Ashiana Leather Wrap Bracelet, Love Rock leopard and crystal bracelet, Love Rock Disc Detail bracelet At...

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Mr Bean

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 26 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Mr Bean started in 1995 as the leading chain soya bean food and beverage retailer in Singapore. They have more then 60 outlets located island wide, offering a variety of soya bean drinks and snack. They now have outlets in Japan, South Korea, China, Philippines and now malaysia. It's definitely a one stop shop for youngster and elderly to enjoy a refreshing ice blended flavored soya drinks, ice...

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