Red Parade

Posted by Music Top SIte Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Wearing all red and parading the street during the weekend does catches attention everywhere. I didnt pay much attention to that, because i really did wanted to wear that red pants that Ive been hanging in my closet for week. Surprisingly, i love how the monochromatic combination turned out to be. Not to mention, with those water ink effect adding on to the pictures, does bring the feel of the image...

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Brown day

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
A whole sets of brown. I ve been delaying this outfit post for a very long time, I guess the lack me updating this site with outfit has drawn me to upload something Its been a busy week and is going to be even more busier. With another 2,000 words quantitative research paper, a half online CV to be done, and a music recording assessment, it gives me little to filled up this space. I"ll be back...

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Mail Boxes ETC

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
It was just few weeks back, I attended a small campaign held by Mail Boxes Etc (MBE) at Alamanda Shopping Center along with a few bloggers. It was a small campaign that  Mail Boxes held just to promote their very new MBE Marketing Campaign.I arrived there pretty early, seeing their set up for the campaign was rather adorable and cute :):). Love how the boxes was arrange and everyone gets to have...

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Brianna Acosta Miss Hawaii 2013

Posted by Music Top SIte Senin, 22 Oktober 2012 0 komentar

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