I mma cycling panda

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 23 April 2013 0 komentar
Shades : taobao | Wedges & Bottom : ZARA | Leather jacket : H&M | Arm Candy : MixmottoThe new in wedges and skirt pants has been my sweetest salvation lately. It is absolute that till today ZARA, still is one of my all time favorite destination for cloths. Those ultra thick and delirious inch of wedges was indeed a good catch and it was at a price that's worth to be splurge on....

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What A Bloody Day

Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 06 April 2013 0 komentar
Pairing my new arm candy from MIXMOTTO (click) with a whole splash of red and black. As striking as it may seems, red has always never failed to bring out the best in it's own color. Over the week, I've finally received my-long-waited parcel all the way from the other side of the world. Haha,  one of the few pieces that I think deserve it's credit on it's own it's my new arm candy...

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The New Way To Connect

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 04 April 2013 0 komentar
In this 21st century that we are living now, I can see how technology gadgets and handphones  plays a huge part in our every day life. Basically, is something that we cant live without it. Have you ever wonder how amazing it is to see that new invention , applications and software is actually being created just to make our lives much more convenient. Not to forget, this post is specially dedicated...

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Posted by Music Top SIte Senin, 01 April 2013 0 komentar
As my final year of university finally kick in to me, fears, anxious and confusion is starting to crawl all over me. It's not the matter of the part that I don't know what I want to do, is the future of a working life, the process and the thought of it just creeps me out once in a blue moon.It's good to always have a guide, a consultant or perhaps just someone there to help you out and ease away all...

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Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar
Being a little girl fan of Givenchy, I've always admire the dopiness and the edginess of every piece that Riccardo Tisci could probably create. Given the chance to know a little more about the side line of Givenchy, I was thrilled to immediately say yes to the request.Just the other day, My french toast and I was lucky enough to be at the Mini Givenchy Tea Party to just get to know more...

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