Luxe Swinger x Swinging in Style

Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 29 Mei 2013 0 komentar
With new foreign brands emerging and coming in day by day, it's pretty tough to resist the drive to swing by the shop or just merely inquiring about them through the net. This is especially with a majority of them being well known in their own country.Being known as Malaysia's most trusted premium online fashion outlet, Luxe Swinger is definitely living up to it's title in offering a wide...

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LG : Life's Good

Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar
Since young, when it comes to choosing any sort of household item in an electronic hub, I swear I ll be standing at that one particular spot with my parents for the longest time ever. For my parents, it’s pretty important to choose the best among the best when it comes to furniture, technology gadgets or anything that is related to the house, especially the television. At that...

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Posted by Music Top SIte Senin, 20 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Since the day that I started switching my blog to a fashion blog, it's probably the day that I told myself, this is what i want to do.  I never knew how strong this determination grew, but I'm glad it lead me to the right path.Just few weeks ago, I was honored enough being featured by The Star R.A.G.E. Thank you Charis Ow and Melly Ling for making this happen. So here's the shoot and the article...

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A Land Far Away

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 16 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Just a few days ago as I was reminiscing back all the old times through my blog , there are a few things that I've realized, particularly. First, my taste of style has drastically changed over the years and second, i ve been feeding myself with lots and lots of monotone colors in my daily wears. Just like this outfit here, I like it how it's simple and it stands out just like that. As much as I love...

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Chrome Hearts x Monochrome

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 07 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Sweater , Monochrome skirt and Snapback : Sturm n Drum | Arm Candy : MixmottoBeing a huge girl fan of Big Bang ( a korean band ), I've always pay attention to whatever brand that they wear. If you guys are equally crazy as I am towards them, you guys would probably know that chrome hearts is one of their daily-wear brand. Especially Tae Yang. Oh yes, I love him the most among all 5 of them ;p....

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Mary Kay - One Woman Can Beauty contest

Posted by Music Top SIte Senin, 06 Mei 2013 0 komentar
So here's a quick post I'm going to do while taking a break from my assignment. So filled with stress that i needed a break away from those essays and PDF files.So my title itself has already say it all out - Mary Kay : One Woman Can Beauty Contest. Before I proceed to the in-depth details of the contest, let me introduce MARY KAY the brand itself first ehehe. I am sure...

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Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013 0 komentar
After being tremendously caught off with my college assignments, I finally get to invade this space of mine once again. At times like this, it's pretty hard to juggling between blogging and homework but as i've said i 'll definitely use every single spare i have to update this blog as much as possible.So just few days back, i decided to dyed my hair all black. First, because i think my light brown -goldish...

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