Its a Red Day

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Dress : Phat Culture | Red Blazer : Topshop | Heels Scandal : ZaraIt's been a while that I've been drowning myself with colorless outfit and dominate the monochrome colors. A change of taste from absolutely adoring the vibrants to world shipping the monotones, I have found my comfortable zone in black and white. So here's a little color so spice things up. It's a red day.&nb...

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Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
A casual day out with the boy the other day, wearing my favorite PYREX tee that I bought from Korea. :) And yes, those amazing memories just cant quite seem to fade away. Lately , I've been feeding myself with much fashion inspiration from Seoul and Japan. It's amazing how they look incredible stylish event with just a New Balance sneaker , sweater and skinnies. Isn't it just insane ! From my...

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Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
There had been rumors in the wind and shadows shifting in the dark. Tales of creatures of the night and music coming alive. It's a night were two legendary superheroes leading a horde of an insane titans, set on a path to blow your minds off. Heed the words of caution as this is not for the faint-hearted. Rumors, they are certainly not. Therefore, let me welcome you the WICKED FESTIVAL 2013.Being...

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Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Vest and Floppy Hat : H&M  | Leather Shorts & Sling Clutch : Korea | Stripes Top : Yours Truly Lady | Boots : Sturm n' DrumHere's an outfit update, like finallyyy !! ;pWith assignments due date approaching, with so many things coming up , I m literally feeling suffocated just by thinking about it. Moreover, with so many doubts and indecisive matter to overcome n solve, sometimes I really...

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All Hail Saint Laurent.

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
I cant quite seem to get over the amazing runway show from Saint Laurent during the Paris Fashion Show. It's absolutely chic, androgynous, simple and yet everything looks so clear cut. Minimalistic and bold&nb...

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Monochrome day

Posted by Music Top SIte Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Yes, it's monochrome day during the weekend. Pairing my new 88 wolf t shit with a leather pants and over a white blazer with a wedges. It's been so so long since I last touched this pair of wedges, I never know why I didn't like wearing it, but it looked so good when I took it and wore it out that day. However, the material of the shoe is getting alil rusty and its abit pealing at the side. You know...

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Hello Neighbor

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
My favorite boys.Last few weeks ago, I did a mini getaway with the boy and a few of my close friend down to the land of our neighbor. It was a well planned trip down to finally able to witness our all-time favorite DJ, HARDWELL. If you have never heard about him before, take a time off to heard the track below to experiences what's like being a dreamer. Perhaps this rings a bell. It was...

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Are you excited for Halloweeennn :)

Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Through out all the years, I've notice that when it comes to Halloween, it seems that not everyone is keen on dressing up in their favorite Halloween costume. Not to mention, when I say Halloween costume, I meant in the sense that people really dressing up as Wonder Women, Batman, or Jason in Nightmare in Elm Street. Well I guess it's just the culture here itself, if one doesn't dress up, everyone...

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